- Promenade Gourmande Gaillacoise 2021
Article mis en avant
La prochaine édition de notre Promenade Gourmande Gaillacoise aura lieu le Dimanche 29 Juin 2025
For English version, please follow this LINK Déjà la 12eme édition! Le Lions Club du Gaillacois et les vignerons de Vinovalie organisent une nouvelle fois, l’événement du début de l’été: la Promenade Gourmande Gaillacoise à GAILLAC, dans le département du Tarn. Qu’est ce que la PGG? … Continuer la lecture
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This year’s Promenade Gourmande Gaillacoise ( the 12 th edition!) will take place on Sunday 29 June 2025 at Chateau Candastre, Gaillac
What is the Promenade Gourmande Gaillacoise?
Organised by the Lions Club du Gaillacois and the winegrowers of Vinovalie, it’s a fun
day out for the whole family aimed at promoting local wines and raising funds for local
good causes. In 2024 we financed the decoration of the bar of elders at the retirement home of Saint-André in partnership with the association Hopital Sourire. This year we are working on a project for the école de la Clavelle in Gaillac.
The day takes the form of an easy 5km walk through the stunning scenery of a local
vineyard. The walk is punctuated by 5 pit-stops where you can enjoy local food and
wine accompanied by live music.
How can I take part?
Prior booking is essential. You will find a booking form on this site or in the leaflets
available in the Tourist offices in Gaillac, Lisle sur Tarn and Rabastens. You may also
choose your departure time. Departures are at 15 min intervals between 10.30 and
13.00. Bookings are considered to be definitive and non-refundable. Inclement weather
will not lead to the cancellation of the event.
How much does it cost?
Adult: 44 euros ( apéro,foie gras, main course, cheese, dessert, coffee, wine )
Group reduction ( 6 people) : 246euros ( 6x41euros)
Group reduction ( 10 people) : 400euros ( 10x40euros)
Child (12-16yrs) : 21euros ( adult menu but no alcohol!)
Accompanied children ( under 12) may bring a picnic and will be entitled to a free
Any queries and would prefer an English speaker?
Please contact David Kemble on : 06 27 13 32 92